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eco-friendly patios + paths
We have learned what works and why.
Let us help you create a greener, cleaner future.
The Eco Friendly Patio and Path use stacked grids with fill materials, such as gravel or sod, to create a durable parking surface that allows moisture to soak into the ground naturally.
The hardscaping components on properties also add a touch of elegant appeal, and if permeable will provide a solution to drainage issues.
By capturing rainwater in The Eco-Friendly Patio and Path, holding it, and then slowly releasing it into the soil, the rush of runoff from a large storm can be slowed and cleaned – quickly, neatly and naturally.
BENEFITS: Filter pollutants from runoff, Slow runoff, Reduce erosion, Recharge groundwater, Conserve water, Remove standing water on your property, Reduce potential of flooding, Enhance property value.
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